Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Free Speech on Vacation

We Americans pride ourselves on freedom of speech - except for when we don't.

I was back east over the holidays visiting my son and his wife. The weather was pleasant - sunny and warm for late December. So we went sight-seeing. As we were strolling the streets of a lovely, scenic seaside town (whose name will be revealed at the end of this post), my son pointed to this sign.

"What do you think that sign says, Mom?" he asked. Thinking it was a joke, I said, "I don't know - no swearing?" "Yup," he answered. Still thinking it might be a joke, I started to look more closely at signs posted along the street. I saw that these "no cursing" signs appear all along the main street. Apparently, folks around here are not kidding. (Which naturally made me WANT to cuss up a blue streak. There's nothing like being told "no" to make an activity irresistible.)

In case visitors don't get the message, posted in between the "no swearing" signs are more signs, each with a reminder about "language:"
Reading this, I had to laugh. I live in a beach community, too. I know what it is like to have your neighborhood taken over by thousands of strangers the moment the sun comes out. Most of the people who show up are respectful of others and don't have to be told what the "rules" are. And the people who disturb the peace - don't read signs. 

Surely the good people of Virginia Beach, Virginia, can find better uses for their tax dollars.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mobile Chowdown in The Junction

The Mobile Chowdown came to West Seattle last Sunday. Two blocks of California Avenue were closed to accommodate 23 food trucks that served everything from ethnic foods and donuts to burgers and ice cream. Take a look:
Trucks were parked down the middle of the street, giving people plenty of room to mill about. It's a good thing, because there was a huge turnout for this event.

The street food phenomenon is not just about food, it is also about the truck. The popular Maximus-Minimus truck is a rolling advertisement for its pulled pork sandwiches. 

And who could miss the colorful "big food" truck?

The Skillet airstream trailer is a classic in these parts. One of the first food trucks in Seattle, it has been serving up grass-fed burgers with bacon jam since 2007. 

There were long lines everywhere.
Pacific Rim cuisines were well represented, including Marination Mobile's Korean and Hawaiian food; Curry Now's Indian Food; and Kaosami's Thai Retaurant. 

There were buns on wheels...
... soul food from Where Ya At Matt's truck...
and Molly Moon's Ice Cream. Who could ask for anything more?

For more about Mobile Chowdown events visit their website.