Thursday, January 10, 2013

Carrot Ginger Soup

I've been craving fresh ginger lately. And when that craving strikes, this soup hits the spot. Making it is SO easy, just combine ONE of everything, cook, blend and serve.

ONE tablespoon butter
ONE onion, chopped
ONE tablespoon fresh grated ginger
ONE pound carrots, chopped (to save on prep time, buy a one pound bag of peeled, organic baby carrots and give them a rough chop)
ONE quart of liquid = 3 cups of chicken broth + 1 cup of either regular milk or, even better, coconut milk.

To make the soup:
Saute the onion in butter.
Add the carrots, ginger and chicken broth.
Simmer until the carrots are cooked through and soft, about 25 minutes.
Puree, using a blender, food processor or, my favorite, an immersion blender. (Use the immersion blender to puree the soup in the same pot you cook it in. Really cuts down on clean up.)
Add the milk or coconut milk. Stir to combine.
Add salt and pepper to taste. I usually find that the broth provides enough salt to suit me.

Ginger is a warming herb, making this a welcome addition to the winter menu. Ginger is also good for digestion, relieves nausea and reduces pain and inflammation. Let your food be your medicine!

Related post:
Spaghetti Squash and the Blood Type Diet